KB4092436 Microsoft Office 2010 Windows Update on 05 Sep. 2018
Microsoft Office 2010 32 bit : 1件の更新プログラムが配信されました。
This update installs the “MT Extra” font to enable display of math equations that are created by Microsoft Equation Editor 3.0 と説明されているように 数式 Font 関連のインストールが行われます。
Microsoft Office 2010 (KB4092436) 32 ビット版 の更新プログラム
ダウンロード サイズ: 33 KB
更新プログラムの種類: 重要
Table: Office 2010 32 bit Update on 05 Sep. 2018
OS | Date | KB Link | 要約(Summary) | Status | Note |
Microsoft Office 2010 32 bit | |||||
Office 2010 | 05 Sep. | KB4092436 |
Microsoft Office 2010 (KB4092436) 32 ビット版 の更新プログラム
September 4, 2018, update for Office 2010 (KB4092436) Math equations that are created by Microsoft Equation Editor 3.0 are no longer supported. Such equations will not be displayed when the “MT Extra” font is missing from the local system. This update installs the “MT Extra” font to enable display of math equations that are created by Microsoft Equation Editor 3.0. |
Important | Installed |
Issued on 05 Sep. 2018 |
- 項目 (Table Item)
- 日付 (Date) : As confirmed (Issued) date or revised date by Microsoft
- KB Link : to Microsoft Knowledge Base (KB)
- 要約 (summary) : Based on KB and translate into Japanese
- Status : 重要 (Important), 推奨 (Recommended), Option
- Note : 適用 (Installed), 非表示 (Hidden), 保留 (On hold), 注意 (Noted)
The environment of confirmation and experiment
- Windows XP Pro SP3 x86 : ASUS P5W-DH-DX, ASUS P5QL-E
- Windows 7 Pro sp1 x86 : ASUS P8Z77-M Pro , HP ProBook 5310m : Strict No_GWX
- Windows 8.1 Pro x64 : 富士通 (Fujitsu) LifeBook S762/F, P772/G : Strict No_GWX
- Windows 10 Pro x64 : 富士通 (Fujitsu) LifeBook S762/F
- Strict No_GWX : Windows 10の広告、遠隔診断を取り除いた機体用
Issued by Volitional Engineering
( winveg.com ) on 05 Sep. 2018